Welcome Message

Hello, and welcome to my blog. I am currently studying Media Studies at Ilkley Grammar School at A2 level and this blog will show you everything that I will be looking at this year. Each blog post will be like a piece of work that can be looked at individually. I hope you enjoy looking at my blog as I enjoy posting on it.

Friday 16 March 2012

Evaluation Question 4 - draft

 How did you use new media technology in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? 

·       Mainly research and planning information from blog posts. Screen shots, Final cut, iMovie and Photoshop introductions and how I’ve used them, vodcasts, inspiration from films, YouTube videos, and different music videos from same genre. Filming target audience asking for feedback and opinions, Facebook comments and share, site forums being used for feedback.
  • ·       Evaluate new media technology, how new technology makes it just as easy to make professional, polished looking music video just as well as the pros.

    ·       How final cut and other software can be bought by everyone. The same software that actual music video producers and TV shot producers will use to edit there work. Can make products at the same level as experts.

    ·       Indie films and music videos being produced at professional level with the same software we use and little budget.

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