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Hello, and welcome to my blog. I am currently studying Media Studies at Ilkley Grammar School at A2 level and this blog will show you everything that I will be looking at this year. Each blog post will be like a piece of work that can be looked at individually. I hope you enjoy looking at my blog as I enjoy posting on it.

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Bad Romance - Lady Gaga

Song: Bad Romance
Artist: Lady Gaga
Year of release: 2009
Director: Francis Lawrence
Genre: Pop

Characteristics:  Strange, eccentric outfits such as: monster-like outfits with long spiky head pieces and tight white PVC, Gaga being dressed as a mental patient in a vinyl, see through outfit, Gaga’s naked, distorted body looks as though it is meant to be that of a monster.

Relationship between lyrics and visuals:  lyrically the song does not have much relevance to the video. The song describes of what seems someone who is in love with their friend, which creates a difficult relationship ‘bad romance’. Whilst the music video was said to be inspired by Gaga’s paranoia she experienced whilst touring the globe. The only aspect that could be seen as relevant is that at the end of the video, when Gaga finds the man she loves sitting on a white bed and try’s to seduce him. Otherwise other aspects of the video seem to have no relevance to the lyrics. E.g. Gaga being forced to drink spirits out of a glass goblet by two women wearing vinyl, whilst she is sat in a bathtub.

Relationship between music and visuals: The strange, creepy music reflects the video is aspects such as Gaga and backing dancers emerging from coffins in monster outfits. The odd and weird parts of the song reflect some of Gaga’s contorted dance moves and hand and arm movements.  The louder and angrier parts of the song such as the ‘rah, rah, ah, ah, ah’ also have angrier dance moves to match. This includes Gaga forcefully having her coat removed by backing dancers to reveal her revealing, crystal outfit.

Close up of artist: Certain shots of Lady Gaga are a close-up shot, whilst most shots remain medium close-ups to show the viewer her extravagant outfits. The close ups of Gaga are limited to those in which she is portraying strong, facial emotions and is wearing minimal make-up compared with the rest of her costumes. This makes the viewer focus on her human side, which appears to be quite venerable.

Intertextual references: The song contains elements of the music from the 1980s and 1990s and influences of German house- techno music, and was described by Gaga as a pop experimental record.

Performance, narrative, concept: the Bad Romance video contains all three of these aspects. The video contains performance aspects as Gaga’s crazy costumes and outfits and distorted dance moves are all performing. The narrative aspect of the video is that Gaga tells different stories within her video, one of her trying to explain through her crazy concepts about the way she felt on her tour around the world. The concept idea of her video was that of the symbolic plot to the video, which received great compliments from critics.

Youtube hits: 411 million!

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